latest information and emails
Mandatory parent meeting slideshow
1/10/25 I wanted to drop a quick note to let you all know a couple of things we have going on. First, line times for the FOLEY Tournament have been posted on our website, Please note that many of our archers will be shooting Friday night and Saturday morning. We are very fortunate that Foley made some extra lines to accommodate our entire team. For those new to the team you may notice if you have multiple kids in archery, they may or may not be shooting at the same time. We try to group teams together meaning elementary archers will often shoot with their elementary teammates, etc.
If you know that your archer isn't going to be at the tournament, please let us know as soon as possible. If you think that their line time isn't going to work for them, we encourage you to reach out to other archery parents to see if someone is able to switch. One of the easiest ways to do this is to go on our FB group page and post it there. If you do find someone to switch, please let a coach know of the trade.
I also wanted to let you all know that we are now going to be shooting the PRINCETON tournament on Friday 2/7 instead of the LILA tournament. All of our are archers will be shooting Friday evening. This tournament is just Bullseye this year. Line times for this tournament are also posted also.
Reminder 1 - Archers need 2 sets of different colored arrows for tournaments. The only type of arrows allowed are Easton 1820 arrows. Once you have your arrows, please mark the archer's initials on the vanes.
Reminder 2 - Bow Cases and Jackets need to be brought to the hallway outside the elementary cafeteria during practice. There is not enough room in our small gym and it becomes a safety issue.
Practice for TEAM starts on Tuesday 1/7.
Practice for JUNIOR WOLVES starts on Wednesday 1/15.
Those archers bringing their bows to school in the morning, NEW this year, bring your bow directly to the archery practice gym. The room will be locked and secured during the school day.
Please remind your archers of hallway etiquette and that waiting after school for practice is a privilege. It is not a time to be running around and goofing off. Archers waiting for practice also must wait over by the wolf this year, NOT in the hallway by the elementary cafeteria.
If you purchased the optional spirit gear and did not pick it up before Christmas, it will be available for pick up at practice this week.
It is important that your child attends the practice they are signed up for unless prior approval has been granted by a coach. Our practice sessions are full and archers attending the wrong session takes time away from everyone else! If you forgot which session your child is registered for, please reach out!
Lastly, a reminder that we do NOT allow parents in the archery gym during practice. The practice gym does not have extra room to allow for spectators for safety reasons. You may be asked to leave.