Milaca Wolves Archery Board By-Laws
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Milaca Wolves Archery Board.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this board, henceforth known as “the board,” is to promote Milaca Wolves Archery at all levels, in the pursuit of achieving improvement in skills and performance for both players and coaches, to build good sportsmanship and character, and to assist in the provision of equipment, uniforms, and maintenance of necessary facilities to accomplish stated objectives. The board shall also strive to create consistency in the operation of the Milaca Wolves Archery program, henceforth known as “the program” or “the organization.” The board shall have final voting rights in issues or concerns regarding the program and its operations.
Article III: Membership
An individual may apply for board membership regardless of whether his/her child is in school or participating in sports.
A coach/parent may apply for membership.
The board shall consist of five (5) voting members, including at least two (2) coaches and at least two (2) non-coach parents.
Archery head coach(es) shall not be board members, but will be available to the board for consultation as requested in person or via phone/text/email.
Other coaches on the board will inform the board of what is best for the teams and what is needed from the program coaches.
The government of the board, the direction of its work, and the control of its property shall be vested in the board consisting of a President, which will be a three (3) year term and may only serve two (2) consecutive terms; a Vice President, which will be a two (2) year term and may only serve three (3) consecutive terms; a Secretary, which will be a three (3) year term and may only serve two (2) consecutive terms; a Treasurer, which will be a two (2) year term and may only serve three (3) consecutive terms, and a General Member, which will be a three (3) year term and may only serve two (2) terms. Any board member serving one term may take one year off after that term, then be nominated for any board position again. Any board member serving two consecutive terms must take one year off before being nominated for any board position again.
Article IV: Nominations, Appointment, and Election of Officers
Officers shall be nominated and appointed the first year of existence of the Milaca Wolves Archery Board (2021) by current coaches.
Future officers shall be nominated by current coaches, current board members, or self-nominated at least two weeks prior to the end of current officers’ terms.
All current members and coaches shall vote for new officers by ballot at a regular board meeting or coaches’ meeting. Members and coaches wishing to vote must be present in person/via phone/via video.
Once a new officer has been elected, his/her term shall start at the conclusion of the previous officer’s term.
Officers shall not be compensated for their participation on the board.
Article V: Duties of Board Members
The President shall preside over all board meetings.
The Vice President shall:
Act as an assistant to the President
Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence
Perform such duties as may be assigned by the President
The Secretary shall:
Keep accurate records of the proceedings of the organization
Be prepared to refer to minutes of previous meetings
Record all expenditures in the minutes
Keep a current list of the by-laws
Prepare, prior to each meeting, an order of business for the use of the presiding officer
Write commitment letter for coaches (see Article IX)
The Treasurer shall:
Keep a current list of the organization’s paid membership
Conduct all necessary correspondence of the organization as may be required by the activities of the booster club
Keep and maintain the books of account and record as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts, and disbursements of the organization
Present a statement of account at every board meeting
Make an annual financial report to the board which includes gross income, receipts, and disbursements for the year
Secure board approval prior to issuing payments on expenses or disbursements, including securing two signatures on any and all checks made payable to any program coach
Receive all monies for the organization, give receipts, and make deposits in the name of the organization in a bank approved by the board members
Deposits and/or withdrawals may be made by any member provided a receipt is given to the Treasurer within three (3) business days
Maintain a copy of the rules of operation for a 501(c)(3) organization and ensure the board is abiding by them
The General Member shall:
Participate in all board business and votes
Act as a liaison between the board and head coach(es)
Article VI: Meetings
At minimum, an annual season review meeting will be held each April, in addition to at least three (3) regular meetings throughout the year.
Board meetings shall be held at a time and location determined by necessity by the board at least two (2) days in advance.
Any member may call additional meetings as necessary in person or via text/email to all members at least two (2) days in advance.
At least three (3) voting members must be in attendance to constitute a quorum and may pass/veto votes in person/via phone/via video.
Each meeting shall last no more than three (3) hours.
If discretion is necessary, any non-voting attendees will be excused and the board will continue the discussion in private before adjourning. The board may also choose to hold a separate, closed meeting (or meetings) to discuss the issue which requires discretion. Voting board members only are to be present at such a meeting.
Program coaches shall be notified of each board meeting at least 24 hours in advance and may attend if they wish. They will hold no voting power.
Any individual wishing to address the board will be given at least 24 hour notice of the time and location of the next meeting.
If any member/individual in attendance becomes unruly, any member may adjourn the meeting and the unruly member/individual may no longer address the board on that topic.
If an emergency vote is necessary and a meeting cannot be called as outlined above, such votes shall be conducted over text/email.
As in any regular vote, three (3) member votes shall constitute a quorum.
Article VII: Voting
Each board member is entitled to one vote per issue. The member must be present at the meeting to cast a vote (no proxy votes are allowed). Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum sufficient to pass/veto any votes.
Each member must approve or oppose verbally.
Vote of No Confidence: In the event that any member, coach, or other person involved with the program has not or is not performing to standards, a Vote of No Confidence shall take place.
Any person who brings up an issue warranting a vote of no confidence shall address the board in person. If the issue is regarding a voting board member, that member shall be excused during the presentation and will not vote; a majority vote of the remaining members shall be considered sufficient. If the issue is not with a voting board member, all members must cast a vote in accordance with voting rules as stated above. Concerns may include, but are not limited to: safety, equipment, leadership, finances, performance, attendance, attitude, criminal acts, and slander.
Article VIII: Coaching Positions
Any coaching staff, program parent, or individual may nominate an individual for a coaching position. All program coaching positions will be approved by the board. Attending the program’s home tournament planning meeting is mandatory for all coaches.
There shall be either one (1) or two (2) Head Coach positions. The Head Coach(es) shall:
Be responsible for scheduling and leading regular coaches’ meetings, the fall parent meeting, and the end of season banquet
Coordinate and promote all program fundraising efforts
Recruit new coaches as needed
Oversee all team and assistant coaches and delegate tasks as needed
Coordinate practice times and location in consultation with the school
Commit to a minimum of three (3) practice time slots per assigned session
Assist with practice setup and coaching when in attendance and participate in additional practice sessions as desired
Oversee all tournaments, participate in coaching on the line at tournaments, and delegate tasks as needed
Lead Junior Wolves practices and tournaments and be main point of communication for Junior Wolves parents
Consult with the General Member as requested in person or via phone/text/email
Participate in program functions in accordance with the stipend outlined in these by-laws (See article IX)
The Team Coaches shall be divided into three (3) levels: High School Team Coach, Middle School Team Coach, and Elementary Team Coach. The Team Coaches shall:
Commit to a minimum of three (3) practice time slots per assigned session
Set up and lead assigned practice sessions and participate in additional practice sessions as desired
Distribute score cards and line up teams at tournaments
Participate in coaching on the line at tournaments
Communicate relevant program issues to Head Coaches as needed
Be main point of communication for corresponding team parents and respond to parent communication in a timely manner
Delegate tasks to Assistant Coaches as needed
Participate in program functions in accordance with the stipend outlined in these by-laws (See Article IX)
The Assistant Coaches shall:
Commit to a minimum of three (3) practice time slots per assigned session
Assist Team Coaches in setting up and leading assigned practice sessions and participate in additional practice sessions as desired
Assist Team Coaches in distributing score cards and lining up teams at tournaments
Participate in coaching on the line at tournaments
Complete tasks as delegated by Team Coaches
Participate in program functions in accordance with the stipend outlined in these by-laws (see Article IX)
The NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) Coordinator shall:
Register all program participants for all tournaments, including local, state, and national
Advise Head Coach(es) of tournament line times
Post line times with roster to the organization’s website
Update/amend line times as needed
Act as an assistant coach when assigned
Participate in program functions in accordance with the stipend outlined in these by-laws (see Article IX)
The Equipment Manager shall:
Be responsible for maintaining archery equipment, keeping inventory of equipment, and reporting any loss, damage, or maintenance issues to the Head Coach(es)
Inspect equipment and make recommendations to the board for replacement or purchase
Act as an assistant coach when assigned
Participate in program functions in accordance with the stipend outlined in these by-laws (see Article IX)
All coaching positions directly involved with coaching archers shall become Basic Archery Instructor (BAI) Certified within three (3) months of being appointed to a position or, if not feasible, prior to the MN state archery tournament. Individual coaches will personally incur the cost of said certification.
Any coach working with program participants not meeting this requirement will be terminated by the Head Coach(es) within two (2) weeks of the conclusion of the state tournament.
Article IX: Stipends
Each coaching position shall sign a program commitment letter in order to be paid a stipend based on fulfillment of duties and participation in the program as outlined above. Determination of individual stipends earned will be made by the board or, when necessary, by the Board of Trustees (see Article XI).
To earn his/her stipend, a coach must be present at at least 70% of all assigned practices and at least 75% of all assigned tournaments. Individual coaches shall be responsible for finding coverage if an absence is necessary.
Stipends shall be paid on a percentage based on the budget of the program at the conclusion of all business for the current season and must be paid within five (5) months of the conclusion of the current season. Any coach not earning his/her stipend will be informed by the Head Coach(es). Provided all duties and responsibilities have been carried out as agreed to by signature on the commitment letter, stipends shall be as follows (not to exceed $750 per stipend):
Head Coach(es): 100%
NASP Coordinator: 75%
Team Coaches: 75%
Assistant Coaches: 50%
Equipment Manager: 20%
Article X: Amendments
These by-laws may be amended by a general majority vote of all board members and coaches present at any regular membership meeting, or at a special membership meeting, provided notice of any proposed changes has been given in writing to each member at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. All coaches shall be notified of any amendments within 48 hours.
Article XI: Designated Board of Trustees for Conflicts of Interest
At times subjects may arise that present a conflict of interest for one or more members that may directly affect the membership or program. To prevent this, the Board of Trustees shall be called upon to determine a course of action.
The Milaca Wolves Archery Board shall select either three (3) or five (5) adults who are not involved on the board or coaching team to review and discuss a course of action on the conflict of interest.
Membership of the Board of Trustees shall consist of at least one (1) program parent/guardian, one (1) representative from Milaca Schools, and one (1) person affiliated with neither the Milaca Wolves Archery Program nor Milaca Schools.
Board of Trustees members shall not receive any compensation.
The Board of Trustees may resolve conflicts such as, but not limited to: removal of a member, stipend pay for members, conflicts within the membership or any other issue with the high potential to create unsettlement within the program.
The Board of Trustees shall receive the conflict of interest in writing or electronic form. They shall set a meeting to discuss the conflict of interest face-to-face. A majority vote on a solution shall be sufficient, shall be recorded on paper, and shall be final and accepted by the Milaca Wolves Archery Board without further discussion.
Article XII: Resignation/Removal
In the event of a member's resignation or removal from the board, said member’s term is immediately concluded. All program materials and equipment shall be returned to the board within one week.
In such a situation, a special election shall take place within 30 days in accordance with Article IV. The new board member shall finish out the previous member’s term. At the conclusion of the term they will be eligible for re-election.
Article XIII: Limitations
The Milaca Wolves Archery Board will operate under all local, state, and federal laws pertaining to 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status.
Article XIV: Enactment
These by-laws shall be enacted immediately upon their adoption by a majority vote of members present at a special meeting called for this purpose.
These by-laws were ratified and enacted by the board and coaches present in August 2023.